The Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making Initiative 2022 (the Initiative) is now accepting applications.

The Initiative is a collaborative project between the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) and the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) expertise and capability in areas of significant importance to the Australian defence and national security community.

Individuals are invited to apply their skill and expertise to solve one of 30 AI and ML research and development-related challenges.

Successful applicants will be provided with a fixed value of $30,000 per project and could also be part of a national network focused on developing AI and ML technology, through the Defence AI Research Network (DAIRNet). There may also be the opportunity for project prototypes to be considered for progression through the Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC), or Defence and university sectors. However, there is no guarantee that successful applicants will receive further funding support.

Challenge Topics

This round, there are 30 Challenge topics to solve.  The topics are:

  1. How can graph neural networks be applied for causal modelling?
  2. Musical scoring as a language of synchronised action
  3. What can information theory tell us about generalisation in data driven models?
  4. Understanding and exploring adversarial machine learning attacks and defences in a cyber security context
  5. AI-Enabled Argument Mapping for Decision Quality
  6. Data usage and sharing in contested or denied environments
  7. Classification of code modifications to differentiate security fixes and learn vulnerable code patterns in compiled software
  8. A Wireless communication detection problem for Graphical Neural Networks, Graph learning and Generative Graph methods in Spatial Networks
  9. Applying machine learning techniques to games on graphs for the detection and concealment of spatially defined communication networks
  10. Agent-based trust management
  11. Resilient interaction protocols
  12. Neurosymbolic BDI agents
  13. Hybrid and combined reasoning and decision-making
  14. Abstract cyber control
  15. Modelling objectives for multi-agent systems
  16. Optimising human-algorithm teaming for facial recognition
  17. Can Electric Network Frequency be used for video geo-localisation and timestamping?
  18. Novel AI methods to support post-mortem identification
  19. Extracting multiple sources of information from videos for identification
  20. Using AI with unmanned aerial systems to locate victims of a mass disaster event
  21. The TTCP CAGE Autonomous Cyber Defence Challenge
  22. DeepfakeOps: towards continuous integration of Deepfake technology into an evolving detection benchmark dataset
  23. Decision Making for Network Security
  24. Domain adaptation for neural speech translation
  25. Translating written English to and from propositional logic
  26. Identification of significant field types and boundaries in unfamiliar network protocols
  27. Application of AI to the liveness challenge in identity verification
  28. Cross-lingual narrative summarisation to enhance situational awareness and decision making
  29. Online and Adaptive Learning with Irregularly Sampled Data in Uncertain and Nonstationary Environments
  30. Adaptive Modelling Across Domains and Tasks without Labelled Data

Detailed information about each challenge can be found here.

View Challenge Statements

Project Requirements

Funded projects will demonstrate prototype solutions, in the form of a software tool or related product that demonstrates the solution(s) to the chosen Challenge.

Applicants must also provide project reports that detail the approach to the Challenge and an overview of the solution to enable assessment of project performance.

The funding amount is a fixed value of $30,000 per project. The length of a project must be three months.

The intent of the Initiative is to fund individuals to undertake separate projects. However, small team-based proposals may be considered, subject to available funding. Funding for a team-based proposal is restricted to the same arrangements for an individual.

Individuals may submit applications to as many Challenges as they wish. However, each project must be discrete and stand-alone from others.

Conditions of Funding

Funds can be used for direct costs associated with the project, including salary and salary oncosts. Due to the small funding amount and desire to support capability the funds cannot be used for the recovery of indirect overheads.

Only personnel listed on the application can be involved in the project or supported by the funds.


The Initiative is open to Australian citizens or permanent residents who reside in Australia and are currently employed by an Australian-based company, university or research organisation that holds an Australian Business Number (ABN).

There may be a requirement for identification, proof of citizenship/permanent residency, police and other background checks prior to the commencement of the project.

Project Outcomes and Deliverables

The aim of the Initiative is to fund short pilots to identify and propose novel, prototype and nascent solutions and approaches to the designated Challenges and this will be discussed with successful applications.

There will be two milestones due, one at the end of May and the other at the end of June, and corresponding invoicing will be as per the standard contract terms.


The following criteria will be used to assess proposals:

  1. Relevance and alignment to the research problem (40%)
  2. Novelty, quality and feasibility of the approach (40%)
  3. Expertise in relevant technical field (20%)

Intellectual Property

Ownership of intellectual property developed using the funds will be retained by the successful applicants. All successful applicants will be required to grant a licence to the Commonwealth to use project intellectual property for Commonwealth purposes via an IP Licence Deed.

Submitting your Application

Applications will only be accepted via the Initiative’s Application Portal.  Applications will be assessed by a Panel, and it is expected up to 50 projects could be funded.

Apply Here

Contract Arrangements

This program is funded by the Department of Defence and successful recipients will be required to enter into a research agreement with the Commonwealth. This initiative is based on the use of standardised research agreements (DSP Schedule 3 – Research Agreement for universities and the DSTG Research Agreement for industry) and the terms and conditions of which are not open to negotiation. Please ensure your organisation agrees to these conditions before submitting your proposal.

Applicants are encouraged to engage with their local, State-based Australian Defence Science and University Network (ADSUN) members, who can assist with enquires relating to the application process.

Applicant Location: Queensland

Facilitation Network: Queensland Defence Science Alliance


Applications will be accepted until 1 April 2022, 2 pm AEST (Brisbane Time).

Getting Help

Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you require other assistance or guidance to complete the application form please contact QDSA here.