DSTG is seeking individuals and groups from industry, academia, Defence and national security agencies who may be interested in applying to be part of an Information Warfare Innovation Community.
This community will assist with the ongoing development, implementation and quality assurance of the research and innovation activities of the Information Warfare STaR Shot.
Membership of the innovation community will provide access to future calls for proposals to address the innovation, science and technology requirements of the Information Warfare STaR Shot. EOI submissions are required for future participation in the Information Warfare Innovation Community.
What will the Information Warfare Innovation Community do?
Because our lives are so dependent on information and information environments, timely access to accurate information is becoming increasingly critical. There is an increasing trend for the use of misinformation to influence the strategic contest between nations.
Many military systems are also reliant on information and information environments. As such, The Department of Defence seeks to develop specific capabilities to defend and protect its own information environments.
The Information Warfare STaR Shot supports the development of new Information and Cyber domain capabilities by conducting strategic research on information warfare, facilitating information warfare innovation, and supporting the maturation and transition of information warfare capabilities by Australian industry.
An Information Warfare Innovation Community, that encompasses partnerships with Australian universities, research organisations and industry, will assist Defence with the ongoing development, implementation and quality assurance of the research and innovation activities under the Information Warfare STaR Shot.
Expressions Of Interest
DSTG is looking to engage with partners that will facilitate access to more detailed information relating to the Information Warfare STaR Shot.
Submissions are invited from community members who have strong capabilities and existing research or innovation programs in one or more of the following areas:
- Human Environment: Information and influence concepts, algorithms and technologies for sensing, understanding and effecting the human elements of information environments. Includes mis/disinformation, information operations (IO), influence operations, psychological operations (PSYOPS) etc.
- Information Environment: Cyberwarfare concepts algorithms and technologies for sensing, understanding and directly effecting information environments. Includes cybersecurity, defensive cyber operations (DCO), offensive cyber operations (OCO), cyber vulnerability analysis, adversarial machine learning, network knowledge etc.
- Physical Environment: Electromagnetic Manoeuvre Warfare concepts, algorithms, technologies and techniques for sensing, understanding and effecting of the physical elements of information environments. Includes electronic surveillance (ES), electronic attack (EA), electronic protection (EP), signals intelligence (SIGINT), electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) etc.
- Information Warfare Command & Control: Concepts, algorithms, technologies and demonstrations for command and control of distributed information warfare (IW) sensors and effectors. Includes IW theory and frameworks, real-time distributed command and control (C2) of distributed IW elements, C2 for synchronised and coordinated IW effects, visualisation of the IW battlespace etc.
- Architectures & DEVOPS: Architectures and frameworks for implementation of future IW capabilities, along with flexible and dynamic development processes to provide evergreen IW capabilities for Defence. Includes open architectures, standards and frameworks for ISR and IW, DEVSECOPS etc.
- Information Warfare Experimentation: Models, tools and approaches for IW experimentation, along with hosting the IW experimentation campaigns. Includes IW model engine development, IW experimentation architectures and approaches, IW scenario and vignette development, IW operating concept development etc
How To Apply
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The Queensland Defence Science Alliance (QDSA) is a university-led initiative to grow and connect an agile Defence innovation ecosystem, leveraging Queensland’s strengths, to deliver trusted solutions to meet Defence requirements.